Globus Compute Endpoints

A Globus Compute Endpoint is a persistent service launched by the user on a compute system to serve as a conduit for executing functions on that computer. Globus Compute supports a range of target systems, enabling an endpoint to be deployed on a laptop, the login node of a campus cluster, a cloud instance, or a Kubernetes cluster, for example.

The endpoint requires outbound network connectivity. That is, it must be able to connect to Globus Compute at

The Globus Compute Endpoint package is available on PyPI (and thus available via pip). However, we strongly recommend installing the Globus Compute endpoint into an isolated virtual environment. Pipx automatically manages package-specific virtual environments for command line applications, so install Globus Compute endpoint via:

$ python3 -m pipx install --include-deps globus-compute-endpoint


Please note that the Globus Compute endpoint is only supported on Linux.

After installing the Globus Compute endpoint, use the globus-compute-endpoint command to manage existing endpoints.

First time setup

You will be required to authenticate the first time you run globus-compute-endpoint. If you have authenticated previously, the endpoint will cache access tokens in the local configuration file.

Globus Compute requires authentication in order to associate endpoints with users and that ensure only the authorized user can run tasks on that endpoint. As part of this step, we request access to your identity and Globus Groups.

To get started, you will first want to configure a new endpoint:

$ globus-compute-endpoint configure

Once you’ve run this command, a directory will be created at $HOME/.globus_compute and a set of default configuration files will be generated.

You can also set up auto-completion for the globus-compute-endpoint commands in your shell, by using the command:

$ globus-compute-endpoint --install-completion [zsh bash fish ...]

Configuring an Endpoint

Globus Compute endpoints act as gateways to diverse computational resources, including clusters, clouds, supercomputers, and even your laptop. To make the best use of your resources, the endpoint must be configured to match the capabilities of the resource on which it is deployed.

Globus Compute provides a Python class-based configuration model that allows you to specify the shape of the resources (number of nodes, number of cores per worker, walltime, etc.) as well as allowing you to place limits on how Globus Compute may scale the resources in response to changing workload demands.

To generate the appropriate directories and default configuration template, run the following command:

$ globus-compute-endpoint configure <ENDPOINT_NAME>

This command will create a profile for your endpoint in $HOME/.globus_compute/<ENDPOINT_NAME>/ and will instantiate a config.yaml file. This file should be updated with the appropriate configurations for the computational system you are targeting before you start the endpoint. Globus Compute is configured using a Config object. Globus Compute uses Parsl to manage resources. For more information, see the Config class documentation and the Parsl documentation .


If the ENDPOINT_NAME is not specified, a default endpoint named “default” is configured.

Starting an Endpoint

To start a new endpoint run the following command:

$ globus-compute-endpoint start <ENDPOINT_NAME>


If the ENDPOINT_NAME is not specified, a default endpoint named “default” is started.

Starting an endpoint will perform a registration process with Globus Compute. The registration process provides Globus Compute with information regarding the endpoint. The endpoint also establishes an outbound connection to RabbitMQ to retrieve tasks, send results, and communicate command information. Thus, the Globus Compute endpoint requires outbound access to the Globus Compute services over HTTPS (port 443) and AMQPS (port 5671).

Once started, the endpoint uses a daemon process to run in the background.


If the endpoint was not stopped correctly previously (e.g., after a computer restart when the endpoint was running), the endpoint directory will be cleaned up to allow a fresh start


Only the owner of an endpoint is authorized to start an endpoint. Thus if you register an endpoint using one identity and try to start an endpoint owned by another identity, it will fail.

To start an endpoint using a client identity, rather than as a user, you can export the GLOBUS_COMPUTE_CLIENT_ID and GLOBUS_COMPUTE_CLIENT_SECRET environment variables. This is explained in detail in Client Credentials with Clients.

Stopping an Endpoint

To stop an endpoint, run the following command:

$ globus-compute-endpoint stop <ENDPOINT_NAME>

If the endpoint is not running and was stopped correctly previously, this command does nothing.

If the endpoint is not running but was not stopped correctly previously (e.g., after a computer restart when the endpoint was running), this command will clean up the endpoint directory such that the endpoint can be started cleanly again.


If the ENDPOINT_NAME is not specified, the default endpoint is stopped.

Listing Endpoints

To list available endpoints on the current system, run:

$ globus-compute-endpoint list
| Endpoint Name |   Status    |             Endpoint ID              |
| default       | Active      | 1e999502-b434-49a2-a2e0-d925383d2dd4 |
| KNL_test      | Inactive    | 8c01d13c-cfc1-42d9-96d2-52c51784ea16 |
| gpu_cluster   | Initialized | None                                 |

Endpoints can be the following states:

  • Initialized: The endpoint has been created, but not started following configuration and is not registered with the Globus Compute service.

  • Running: The endpoint is active and available for executing functions.

  • Stopped: The endpoint was stopped by the user. It is not running and therefore, cannot service any functions. It can be started again without issues.

  • Disconnected: The endpoint disconnected unexpectedly. It is not running and therefore, cannot service any functions. Starting this endpoint will first invoke necessary endpoint cleanup, since it was not stopped correctly previously.

Ensuring execution environment

When running a function, endpoint worker processes expect to have all the necessary dependencies readily available to them. For example, if a function uses numpy to do some calculations, and a worker is running on a machine without numpy installed, any attempts to execute that function using that worker will result in an error.

In HPC contexts, the endpoint process - which receives tasks from the Compute central services and queues them up for execution - generally runs on a separate node from the workers which actually do the computation. As a result, it’s often necessary to load in some kind of pre-initialized environment. In general there are two solutions here:

  1. Python based environment isolation such as conda environment or venv,

  2. Containers: containerization with docker or apptainer (singularity)


Please note that worker environment is required to have the globus-compute-endpoint python module installed. We recommend matching the Python version and globus-compute-endpoint module version on the worker environment to that on the endpoint itself.

Python based environment isolation

To use python based environment management, use the worker_init config option:

      worker_init: conda activate my-conda-env

The exact behavior of worker_init depends on the ExecutionProvider being used.

In some cases, it may also be helpful to run some setup during the startup process of the endpoint itself, before any workers start. This can be achieved using the top-level endpoint_setup config option:

endpoint_setup: |
  conda create -n my-conda-env
  conda activate my-conda-env
  pip install -r requirements.txt

Note that endpoint_setup is run by the system shell, as a child of the endpoint startup process.

Similarly, artifacts created by endpoint_setup can be cleaned up with endpoint_teardown:

endpoint_teardown: |
  conda remove -n my-conda-env --all

Containerized Environments

Container support is limited to GlobusComputeEngine on the globus-compute-endpoint. To configure the endpoint the following options are now supported:

  • container_type : Specify container type from one of ('docker', 'apptainer', 'singularity', 'custom', 'None')

  • container_uri: Specify container uri, or file path if specifying sif files

  • container_cmd_options: Specify custom command options to pass to the container launch command, such as filesystem mount paths, network options etc.

display_name: Docker
  type: GlobusComputeEngine
  container_type: docker
  container_uri: funcx/kube-endpoint:main-3.10
  container_cmd_options: -v /tmp:/tmp
    init_blocks: 1
    max_blocks: 1
    min_blocks: 0
    type: LocalProvider

For more custom use-cases where either an unsupported container technology is required or building the container string programmatically is preferred use container_type='custom' In this case, container_cmd_options is treated as a string template, in which the following two strings are expected:

  • {EXECUTOR_RUNDIR} : Used to specify mounting of the RUNDIR to share logs

  • {EXECUTOR_LAUNCH_CMD} : Used to specify the worker launch command within the container.

Here’s an example:

display_name: Docker Custom
  type: GlobusComputeEngine
  container_type: custom
  container_cmd_options: docker run -v {EXECUTOR_RUNDIR}:{EXECUTOR_RUNDIR} funcx/kube-endpoint:main-3.10 {EXECUTOR_LAUNCH_CMD}
    init_blocks: 1
    max_blocks: 1
    min_blocks: 0
    type: LocalProvider

Restarting endpoint when machine restarts

Run globus-compute-endpoint enable-on-boot to install a systemd unit file:

$ globus-compute-endpoint enable-on-boot my-endpoint
Systemd service installed. Run
   sudo systemctl enable globus-compute-endpoint-my-endpoint.service --now
to enable the service and start the endpoint.

Run globus-compute-endpoint disable-on-boot for commands to disable and uninstall the service:

$ globus-compute-endpoint disable-on-boot my-endpoint
Run the following to disable on-boot-persistence:
   systemctl stop globus-compute-endpoint-my-endpoint
   systemctl disable globus-compute-endpoint-my-endpoint
   rm /etc/systemd/system/globus-compute-endpoint-my-endpoint.service


Endpoints receive tasks and communicate task results via the AMQP messaging protocol. As of v2.11.0, newly configured endpoints use AMQP over port 443 by default, since firewall rules usually leave that port open. In case 443 is not open on a particular cluster, the port to use can be changed in the endpoint config via the amqp_port option, like so:

amqp_port: 5671
display_name: My Endpoint
engine: ...

Note that only ports 5671, 5672, and 443 are supported with the Compute hosted services. Also note that when amqp_port is omitted from the config, the port is based on the connection URL the endpoint receives after registering itself with the services, which typically means port 5671.

Example configurations

Globus Compute has been used on various systems around the world. Below are example configurations for commonly used systems. If you would like to add your system to this list please contact the Globus Compute Team via Slack.


All configuration examples below must be customized for the user’s allocation, Python environment, file system, etc.


GlobusComputeEngine is the execution backend that Globus Compute uses to execute functions. To execute functions at scale, Globus Compute can be configured to use a range of Providers which allows it to connect to Batch schedulers like Slurm and PBSTorque to provision compute nodes dynamically in response to workload. These capabilities are largely borrowed from Parsl’s HighThroughputExecutor and therefore all of HighThroughputExecutor’s parameter options are supported as passthrough.

Note:: As of globus-compute-endpoint==2.12.0 GlobusComputeEngine, replaces the HighThroughputEngine as the default executor.

Here are GlobusComputeEngine specific features:


Functions submitted to the GlobusComputeEngine can fail due to infrastructure failures, for example, the worker executing the task might terminate due to it running out of memory, or all workers under a batch job could fail due to the batch job exiting as it reaches the walltime limit. GlobusComputeEngine can be configured to automatically retry these tasks by setting max_retries_on_system_failure=N where N is the number of retries allowed. The endpoint config sets default retries to 0 since functions can be computationally expensive, not idempotent, or leave side effects that affect subsequent retries.

Example config snippet:

amqp_port: 443
display_name: Retry_2_times
    type: GlobusComputeEngine
    max_retries_on_system_failure: 2  # Default=0


GlobusComputeEngine by default automatically scales workers in response to workload.

Strategy configuration is limited to two options: 1. max_idletime: Maximum duration in seconds that workers are allowed to idle before they are marked for termination 2. strategy_period: Set the # of seconds between strategy attempting auto-scaling events

The bounds for scaling are determined by the options to the Provider (init_blocks, min_blocks, max_blocks). Please refer to the for more info.

Here’s an example configuration:

    type: GlobusComputeEngine
        max_idletime: 60.0      # Default = 120s
        strategy_period: 120.0  # Default = 5s

Container support

Containers are a useful tool to deploy packaged environments to launch functions in. GlobusComputeEngine supports containers by launching workers in user-defined containers. Please note that a single endpoint can only support one container type/image. GlobusComputeEngine can launch workers in containerized environments, with support for Docker, Singularity, and Apptainer. Use by setting container_type, container_uri, and additional options may be specified via container_cmd_options. Valid options for container_type are (docker, singularity, apptainer, and custom).

The sample configuration below will launch the manager and all the workers on a single node in a Docker container from the image: funcx/kube-endpoint:main-3.10 with a custom option to volume mount /tmp:/tmp:

display_name: Docker
    type: GlobusComputeEngine
    container_type: docker
    container_uri: funcx/kube-endpoint:main-3.10
    container_cmd_options: -v /tmp:/tmp

Anvil (RCAC, Purdue)


The following snippet shows an example configuration for executing remotely on Anvil, a supercomputer at Purdue University’s Rosen Center for Advanced Computing (RCAC). The configuration assumes the user is running on a login node, uses the SlurmProvider to interface with the scheduler, and uses the SrunLauncher to launch workers.

amqp_port: 443
display_name: Anvil CPU
  type: GlobusComputeEngine
  max_workers_per_node: 2

    type: address_by_interface
    ifname: ib0

    type: SlurmProvider
    partition: debug

    account: {{ ACCOUNT }}
        type: SrunLauncher

    # string to prepend to #SBATCH blocks in the submit
    # script to the scheduler
    # e.g., "#SBATCH --constraint=knl,quad,cache"
    scheduler_options: {{ OPTIONS }}

    # Command to be run before starting a worker
    # e.g., "module load anaconda; source activate gce_env
    worker_init: {{ COMMAND }}

    init_blocks: 1
    max_blocks: 1
    min_blocks: 0

    walltime: 00:05:00

Delta (NCSA)


The following snippet shows an example configuration for executing remotely on Delta, a supercomputer at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications. The configuration assumes the user is running on a login node, uses the SlurmProvider to interface with the scheduler, and uses the SrunLauncher to launch workers.

amqp_port: 443
display_name: NCSA Delta 2 CPU
    type: GlobusComputeEngine
    max_workers_per_node: 2

        type: address_by_interface
        ifname: eth6.560

        type: SlurmProvider
        partition: cpu
        account: {{ ACCOUNT NAME }}

            type: SrunLauncher

        # Command to be run before starting a worker
        # e.g., "module load anaconda3; source activate gce_env"
        worker_init: {{ COMMAND }}

        init_blocks: 1
        min_blocks: 0
        max_blocks: 1

        walltime: 00:30:00

Expanse (SDSC)


The following snippet shows an example configuration for executing remotely on Expanse, a supercomputer at the San Diego Supercomputer Center. The configuration assumes the user is running on a login node, uses the SlurmProvider to interface with the scheduler, and uses the SrunLauncher to launch workers.

display_name: Expanse@SDSC

    type: GlobusComputeEngine
    max_workers_per_node: 2
    worker_debug: False

        type: address_by_interface
        ifname: ib0

        type: SlurmProvider
        partition: compute
        account: {{ ACCOUNT }}

            type: SrunLauncher

        # string to prepend to #SBATCH blocks in the submit
        # script to the scheduler
        # e.g., "#SBATCH --constraint=knl,quad,cache"
        scheduler_options: {{ OPTIONS }}

        # Command to be run before starting a worker
        # e.g., "module load anaconda3; source activate gce_env"
        worker_init: {{ COMMAND }}

        # Command to be run before starting a worker
        # e.g., "module load anaconda3; source activate gce_env"
        worker_init: "source ~/"

        init_blocks: 0
        min_blocks: 0
        max_blocks: 1

        walltime: 00:05:00

UChicago AI Cluster


The following snippet shows an example configuration for the University of Chicago’s AI Cluster. The configuration assumes the user is running on a login node and uses the SlurmProvider to interface with the scheduler and launch onto the GPUs.

Link to docs.

display_name: AI Cluster CS@UChicago
    type: GlobusComputeEngine
    label: fe.cs.uchicago
    worker_debug: False

        type: address_by_interface
        ifname: ens2f1

        type: SlurmProvider
        partition: general

        # This is a hack. We use hostname ; to terminate the srun command, and
        # start our own.
            type: SrunLauncher
            overrides: >
                hostname; srun --ntasks={{ TOTAL_WORKERS }}
                --ntasks-per-node={{ WORKERS_PER_NODE }}
                --gpus-per-task=rtx2080ti:{{ GPUS_PER_WORKER }}
                --gpu-bind=map_gpu:{{ GPU_MAP }} \
            # To request a single gpu, use the following:
            #   hostname; srun --ntasks=1
            #   --ntasks-per-node=1
            #   --gres=gpu:1 \

        # Scale between 0-1 blocks with 2 nodes per block
        nodes_per_block: 1
        init_blocks: 0
        min_blocks: 0
        max_blocks: 1

        # Hold blocks for 30 minutes
        walltime: 00:30:00

Here is some Python that demonstrates how to compute the variables in the YAML example above:

# Launch 4 managers per node, each bound to 1 GPU
# Modify before use

GPU_MAP = ",".join([str(x) for x in range(1, TOTAL_WORKERS + 1)])

Midway (RCC, UChicago)


The Midway cluster is a campus cluster hosted by the Research Computing Center at the University of Chicago. The snippet below shows an example configuration for executing remotely on Midway. The configuration assumes the user is running on a login node and uses the SlurmProvider to interface with the scheduler, and uses the SrunLauncher to launch workers.


    type: HighThroughputEngine
    max_workers_per_node: 2
    worker_debug: False

        type: address_by_interface
        ifname: bond0

        type: SlurmProvider
        partition: broadwl

            type: SrunLauncher

        # string to prepend to #SBATCH blocks in the submit
        # script to the scheduler
        # e.g., "#SBATCH --constraint=knl,quad,cache"
        scheduler_options: {{ OPTIONS }}

        # Command to be run before starting a worker
        # e.g., module load Anaconda; source activate parsl_env
        worker_init: {{ COMMAND }}

        # Scale between 0-1 blocks with 2 nodes per block
        nodes_per_block: 2
        init_blocks: 0
        min_blocks: 0
        max_blocks: 1

        # Hold blocks for 30 minutes
        walltime: 00:30:00

The following configuration is an example to use singularity container on Midway.

    type: HighThroughputEngine
    max_workers_per_node: 10

        type: address_by_interface
        ifname: bond0

    scheduler_mode: soft
    worker_mode: singularity_reuse
    container_type: singularity
    container_cmd_options: -H /home/$USER

        type: SlurmProvider
        partition: broadwl

            type: SrunLauncher

        # string to prepend to #SBATCH blocks in the submit
        # script to the scheduler
        # eg: "#SBATCH --constraint=knl,quad,cache"
        scheduler_options: {{ OPTIONS }}

        # Command to be run before starting a worker
        # e.g., "module load Anaconda; source activate parsl_env"
        worker_init: {{ COMMAND }}

        # Scale between 0-1 blocks with 2 nodes per block
        nodes_per_block: 2
        init_blocks: 0
        min_blocks: 0
        max_blocks: 1

        # Hold blocks for 30 minutes
        walltime: 00:30:00

Kubernetes Clusters


Kubernetes is an open-source system for container management, such as automating deployment and scaling of containers. The snippet below shows an example configuration for deploying pods as workers on a Kubernetes cluster. The KubernetesProvider exploits the Python Kubernetes API, which assumes that you have kube config in ~/.kube/config.

heartbeat_period: 15
heartbeat_threshold: 200
log_dir: "."

    type: HighThroughputEngine
    label: Kubernetes_funcX
    max_workers_per_node: 1

      type: address_by_route

    scheduler_mode: hard
    container_type: docker

        type: KubeSimpleStrategy
        max_idletime: 3600

        type: KubernetesProvider
        init_blocks: 0
        min_blocks: 0
        max_blocks: 2
        init_cpu: 1
        max_cpu: 4
        init_mem: 1024Mi
        max_mem: 4096Mi

        # e.g., python:3.8-buster
        image: {{ IMAGE }}

        # e.g., "pip install --force-reinstall globus_compute_endpoint>=2.0.1"
        worker_init: {{ COMMAND }}

        # e.g., default
        namespace: {{ NAMESPACE }}

        incluster_config: False

Polaris (ALCF)


The following snippet shows an example configuration for executing on Argonne Leadership Computing Facility’s Polaris cluster. This example uses the HighThroughputEngine and connects to Polaris’s PBS scheduler using the PBSProProvider. This configuration assumes that the script is being executed on the login node of Polaris.

display_name: Polaris@ALCF

  type: GlobusComputeEngine
  max_workers_per_node: 4

  # Un-comment to give each worker exclusive access to a single GPU
  # available_accelerators: 4

    type: address_by_interface
    ifname: bond0

    type: PBSProProvider

      type: MpiExecLauncher
      # Ensures 1 manger per node, work on all 64 cores
      bind_cmd: --cpu-bind
      overrides: --depth=64 --ppn 1

    account: {{ YOUR_POLARIS_ACCOUNT }}
    queue: debug-scaling
    cpus_per_node: 32
    select_options: ngpus=4

    # e.g., "#PBS -l filesystems=home:grand:eagle\n#PBS -k doe"
    scheduler_options: "#PBS -l filesystems=home:grand:eagle"

    # Node setup: activate necessary conda environment and such
    worker_init: {{ COMMAND }}

    walltime: 01:00:00
    nodes_per_block: 1
    init_blocks: 0
    min_blocks: 0
    max_blocks: 2

Perlmutter (NERSC)


The following snippet shows an example configuration for accessing NERSC’s Perlmutter supercomputer. This example uses the HighThroughputEngine and connects to Perlmutters’s Slurm scheduler. It is configured to request 2 nodes configured with 1 TaskBlock per node. Finally, it includes override information to request a particular node type (GPU) and to configure a specific Python environment on the worker nodes using Anaconda.

display_name: Permutter@NERSC
    type: GlobusComputeEngine
    worker_debug: False

        type: address_by_interface
        ifname: hsn0

        type: SlurmProvider
        partition: debug

        # We request all hyperthreads on a node.
        # GPU nodes have 128 threads, CPU nodes have 256 threads
            type: SrunLauncher
            overrides: -c 128

        # string to prepend to #SBATCH blocks in the submit
        # script to the scheduler
        # For GPUs in the debug qos eg: "#SBATCH --constraint=gpu"
        scheduler_options: {{ OPTIONS }}

        # Your NERSC account, eg: "m0000"
        account: {{ NERSC_ACCOUNT }}

        # Command to be run before starting a worker
        # e.g., "module load Anaconda; source activate parsl_env"
        worker_init: {{ COMMAND }}

        # increase the command timeouts
        cmd_timeout: 120

        # Scale between 0-1 blocks with 2 nodes per block
        nodes_per_block: 2
        init_blocks: 0
        min_blocks: 0
        max_blocks: 1

        # Hold blocks for 10 minutes
        walltime: 00:10:00

Frontera (TACC)


The following snippet shows an example configuration for accessing the Frontera system at TACC. The configuration below assumes that the user is running on a login node, uses the SlurmProvider to interface with the scheduler, and uses the SrunLauncher to launch workers.

display_name: Frontera@TACC

    type: GlobusComputeEngine
    max_workers_per_node: 2
    worker_debug: False

      type: address_by_interface
      ifname: ib0

        type: SlurmProvider

        # e.g., EAR22001
        account: {{ YOUR_FRONTERA_ACCOUNT }}

        # e.g., development
        partition: {{ PARTITION }}

            type: SrunLauncher

        # Enter scheduler_options if needed
        scheduler_options: {{ OPTIONS }}

        # Command to be run before starting a worker
        # e.g., "module load Anaconda; source activate parsl_env"
        worker_init: {{ COMMAND }}

        # Add extra time for slow scheduler responses
        cmd_timeout: 60

        # Scale between 0-1 blocks with 2 nodes per block
        nodes_per_block: 2
        init_blocks: 0
        min_blocks: 0
        max_blocks: 1

        # Hold blocks for 30 minutes
        walltime: 00:30:00

Bebop (LCRC, ANL)


The following snippet shows an example configuration for accessing the Bebop system at Argonne’s LCRC. The configuration below assumes that the user is running on a login node, uses the SlurmProvider to interface with the scheduler, and uses the SrunLauncher to launch workers.

display_name: Bebop@ANL

    type: GlobusComputeEngine
    max_workers_per_node: 2
    worker_debug: False

        type: address_by_interface
        ifname: ib0

        type: SlurmProvider
        partition: {{ PARTITION }}  # e.g., bdws
          type: SrunLauncher

        # Command to be run before starting a worker
        # e.g., "module load anaconda; source activate gce_env"
        worker_init: {{ COMMAND }}

        nodes_per_block: 1
        init_blocks: 0
        min_blocks: 0
        max_blocks: 1
        walltime: 00:30:00

Bridges-2 (PSC)


The following snippet shows an example configuration for accessing the Bridges-2 system at PSC. The configuration below assumes that the user is running on a login node, uses the SlurmProvider to interface with the scheduler, and uses the SrunLauncher to launch workers.

    type: GlobusComputeEngine
    max_workers_per_node: 2
    worker_debug: False

      type: address_by_interface
      ifname: ens3f0

        type: SlurmProvider
        partition: RM-small

            type: SrunLauncher

        # string to prepend to #SBATCH blocks in the submit
        # script to the scheduler
        # e.g., "#SBATCH --constraint=knl,quad,cache"
        scheduler_options: {{ OPTIONS }}

        # Command to be run before starting a worker
        # e.g., module load Anaconda; source activate parsl_env
        worker_init: {{ COMMAND }}

        # Scale between 0-1 blocks with 2 nodes per block
        nodes_per_block: 2
        init_blocks: 0
        min_blocks: 0
        max_blocks: 1

        # Hold blocks for 30 minutes
        walltime: 00:30:00


The following snippet shows an example configuration for accessing the FASTER system at Texas A & M (TAMU). The configuration below assumes that the user is running on a login node, uses the SlurmProvider to interface with the scheduler, and uses the SrunLauncher to launch workers.

amqp_port: 443
display_name: Access Tamu Faster
    type: GlobusComputeEngine
    worker_debug: False

        type: SimpleStrategy
        max_idletime: 90

        type: address_by_interface
        ifname: eno8303

        type: SlurmProvider
        partition: cpu
        mem_per_node: 128

            type: SrunLauncher

        scheduler_options: {{ OPTIONS }}

        worker_init: {{ COMMAND }}

        # increase the command timeouts
        cmd_timeout: 120

        # Scale between 0-1 blocks with 1 nodes per block
        nodes_per_block: 1
        init_blocks: 0
        min_blocks: 0
        max_blocks: 1

        # Hold blocks for 10 minutes
        walltime: 00:10:00

Pinning Workers to devices

Many modern clusters provide multiple accelerators per compute note, yet many applications are best suited to using a single accelerator per task. Globus Compute supports pinning each worker to different accelerators using the available_accelerators option of the GlobusComputeEngine. Provide either the number of accelerators (Globus Compute will assume they are named in integers starting from zero) or a list of the names of the accelerators available on the node. Each Globus Compute worker will have the following environment variables set to the worker specific identity assigned: CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES, ROCR_VISIBLE_DEVICES, SYCL_DEVICE_FILTER.

    type: GlobusComputeEngine
    max_workers_per_node: 4

    # `available_accelerators` may be a natural number or a list of strings.
    # If an integer, then each worker launched will have an automatically
    # generated environment variable. In this case, one of 0, 1, 2, or 3.
    # Alternatively, specific strings may be utilized.
    available_accelerators: 4
    # available_accelerators: ["opencl:gpu:1", "opencl:gpu:2"]  # alternative

        type: LocalProvider
        init_blocks: 1
        min_blocks: 0
        max_blocks: 1